Wednesday 25 May 2016

PSTCL lineman notification 2016

Good news for graduate students, PSTCL Recruitment 2016 released. Applicants probing to have junior engineer jobs can apply for the recruitment published in Aspirants who are interested can have a look at PSTCL lineman notification 2016 which is provided with all the eligibility criteria details. The board provided PSTCL JE apply online form at official portal. Applicants those who are looking for the latest govt jobs must utilized this chance. The list of jobs, applying method, notification details are provided in this article. Apply for the Punjab state Transmission Corporation ltd vacancies before the last date mentioned in the notification i.e. 30th July 2016. Apply for the Punjab junior engineer jobs to test your fate, skills and performance in both written and interview.

Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited shortened as PSTCL. The name itself indicates that it is an electricity department. The board transmits power to all over the state of Punjab. The organization or the corporation is involved in the development of the utilities to help the people living in Punjab state in all aspects.  PSTCL central principle is to upgrade the operational boundary on sound economic principles. A Huge amount of energy is generated all over the state and transmits power to all over the state through overhead lines. Even the board too initiates the power and supplies it at lower cost i.e. reliable for the people. To run the organization or produce the electricity, the board needs employees. To attain them it releases the recruitment via notifications to fill the vacant seats. To produce more productivity, they need efficient employs in relevant fields. Recently released advt num CRA 03/2016. Aspirants looking for Punjab Sarkari naukari can use the opportunity and apply for the PSTCL Recruitment 2016. Let us have a brief intro regarding the vacancy details provided in the notification.